Wilson Lee
How To Quickly Transform Your Food Or Beverage Idea Into A Popular Restaurant
… And A New Venture To Call
Your Own
Dear Friend, 

If you’ve got dreams of owning your own restaurant, you’re in the right place.

I don’t care if you have zero experience and you’re not even a good cook.

I’ll show you the easiest, lowest-risk way to turn your dreams into a reality.  

But first... 

Why Should You Listen To Me?

Top 30 Under 30
Top 10 Emerging Entrepreneur
Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
My name is Wilson Lee.
You might’ve seen one of my YouTube videos on restaurant tips with thousands of views…

You might’ve seen my name featured in Top 30 Under 30, Top 10 Emerging Entrepreneur, or Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award...

Or you might be hearing from me for the very first time…

But the reason I’ve been all over these places is because of my proven formula for building profitable restaurants again and again.

I’ve been fortunate enough to help hundreds of people like you build their very own restaurant business from scratch and take it to the next level.

But you don’t have to believe me...

$300 Billion

The quick-service industry generated nearly $300 billion last year.

(Source: Statista)


of American adults order food at least once a month.

(Source: Gloria Food)


of adult Americans eat fast food every day.

(Source: Gloria Food)
See What Others Are Saying About Profitable Restaurant Owner's Academy
"Because of the knowledge I got from Wilson, I was able to be confident to negotiate our lease. The landlord was able to give us 1.5 months of free rent and possibly extend it for another month. I really recommend your class." 
Amor C.
"I've always wanted to start my own food business, but the fear of the unknown would always stop me...but after watching your masterclass I found the courage and motivation to push through with my plans... It was very informative and I learned so much"
"All this knowledge has been giving me insight and perspective that I may not have considered when starting my restaurant. Appreciate all that you do!"
There Has Never Been A Better Time To Start A Restaurant Business Than RIGHT NOW
Look –

I know most people think there are a lot of problems with starting a restaurant right now…

And before you even tell me:

“But Wilson, restaurants are shutting down everywhere.”


Because what I see are bigger opportunities than ever before.

For the FIRST TIME ever... 

You Could Talk Your Way Into Getting
We all know that rent is a huge expense (probably even more than your food costs)…

So what if I told you that you could start a restaurant without worrying about rent?

Because here’s what’s going on right now...

Landlords don’t want to have empty spaces just sitting around, right? 

So a lot of them are DESPERATE to fill rent and kitchens.

And because I’m a landlord myself... 

I know EXACTLY what you need to say to negotiate like crazy, get good deals, and possibly get rent for free.

But let’s say, for whatever reason, you need to borrow money…

Well, guess what?

Right now could be a perfect time for you to take out a loan.

Since bank rates have gone down (because of our current economy)…

You could practically get a loan for almost no interest!

And not only that but…

You Could
Hire Fewer Or NO Employees
The days of wasting your time, money, and energy training a bunch of employees are OVER.

Since there’s less dining out and no more seating...

It means you can keep your costs low while you access way more customers through food delivery apps instead.

And when you have this proper system in place, you could actually earn more and work less.

So you can just focus on making your food and getting it to your customers. 

But if you don’t have the know-how... 

Restaurant owners will fall into this first-time pitfall of stressing out even more and working double hours instead.

So to avoid this from happening to you...

You Could
Gain Customers WITHOUT Marketing Yourself
As you probably already know, ordering food from delivery apps is becoming more and more of a habit nowadays.

So if you’re not leveraging these apps to build your restaurant business…

You might miss out on a MASSIVE opportunity to get some serious sales.

They already do all the marketing for you... 

They’ll drive new customers to you... 

And they’ll even take care of all the distribution.

...it simply can’t get any easier than this. Wouldn’t you agree?

You could actually succeed FASTER with less risk.

And that’s exactly what I can show you with...

My Signature
3-Phase ACE Formula
I use this exact formula to grow my businesses because it has proven to work every time.

It helps me ALIGN with the right idea and get crystal clear about understanding what my customers want and how to get them to find you...

It helps me CONNECT my validated idea with the most popular location possible (because better location equals better sales)...

And it helps me find the best tactics and marketing strategies to use to EXPLODE in revenue and scale my restaurant business.

These are the ONLY 3-steps you’ll need to become successful...

You can even build your food idea based on the “new normal” and STILL be profitable.

And if you want me to dive deeper into my ACE formula and go through what each of these 3-steps actually means…

Profitable Restaurant Owner Academy...
This program is the only place where you can get all of my secret recipes for success handed over to you.

Because I can tell you right now... 

It’s not going to be easy if you try to figure it out on your own.

I know that because I’ve made every mistake, wasted a lot of money, and been through it all.

So I’ve laid out everything you can possibly think of, and all you have to do now is copy everything I’ve done FOR YOU.

This isn’t something you can easily find online either...

If you search on Google or YouTube right now, you’re not going to find out how to build a successful restaurant business from scratch.

And you’re not going to have access to an existing network of real-life restaurant owners and real-life experiences…

...WITHOUT having to cold call, email, or reach out to anyone out of the blue.

Instead, you can feel confident about…

Reaching out to me whenever you feel unsure about something…

Collaborating with real-life experts about your ideas…

And connecting with a community where you can learn from other restaurant owners around the world.

But if you decide to go on the “do it yourself” route...

Not only are you going to run into years of mistakes, but you could risk losing thousands of dollars down the road.

So what you need is the entire A-Z blueprint that can eliminate all the second-guessing for you…

While you just focus on making your dream business into a reality.

Here's What You'll Get:


    Hours of Training


    Individual Lessons


    Worksheets & Checklists


    Hours of Group Call Recordings

    MODULE 1

    Align - Create Your Personalized Roadmap

    • The 7 Money-Making Habits That Every Food Entrepreneur Should Know 
    • Discover Your Top 5 Core Values That Drive Your Business Success
    • How To Overcome Any Obstacle... Even When Things Get Tough
    • ​The Do's & Don'ts Of A Stress-Free And Successful Partnership

    MODULE 2

    Align - Validating Your Ideas In The Real World

    • ​How To Pick A Winning Idea That Attracts Long Lines Every Single Day
    • Where To Find The Perfect Location... And What To Avoid  
    • ​Discover How You Can Read Your Customer's Mind And Know Exactly What They Want
    • ​How To Craft A Profitable Menu That'll Get Customers To Buy More
    • ​The Secret To Beating Your Competitors And Have Them Envy You

    MODULE 3

    Align - Assemble Your Dream Business

    • ​How To Negotiate Your Lease Like A Pro And Possibly Even Get Rent For FREE
    • 4 Ways To Save More Money And Find Great Deals If You're On A Budget
    • ​Where To Source Signature Recipes So That You'll Gain An Edge Over The Competition
    • ​How To Find The Best Designers For All Your Branding And Marketing Needs

    MODULE 4

    Align - Manage And Increase Your Revenue

    • ​What To Watch For When Maximizing Your Revenue... And How Much You Should Actually Invest
    • The Number Of Seats You Should Account For In Your Restaurant
    • ​How To Create A Menu That Will Hit Above And Beyond Your Break-Even Point

    MODULE 5

    Connect - The Skills You'll Need In Your Team

    • ​How To Attract Employees Who Can Flawlessly Run Your Business For You
    • Why You Don't Need To Waste Time And Money On Training And Recruitment
    • ​How To Create A Work Environment Where Employees Will Never Want To Leave

    MODULE 6

    Connect - Land Your First 1000 Fans

    • ​How To Keep Customers Engaged So That They'll Become Your Loyal Fans
    • 3 Ways To Find Killer Content Ideas That Attracts New Customers... Even If They're Miles Away
    • ​The Secrets To Standing Out On Maps And Driving Predictable And Consistent Customers 
    • ​How To Create An Irresistible Loyalty Program Where You'll Get Customers To Come Back For More

    MODULE 7

    Explode - Your Financial Freedom

    • ​How To Position You And Your Business For Sustainable And Exponential Growth
    • The 4 Simple Steps To Getting Press Releases And Media Coverage For FREE
    • ​How To Create Viral Contests To Help Increase Your Social Media Following By 10X

    And to sweeten the deal for you...

    Please accept the following bonuses when you join Profitable Restaurant Owner Academy today…

    Ultimate Restaurant
    Marketing Stack Checklist

    VALUE: $997

    Elite Restaurant

    VALUE: $997

    Ultimate Cost-Saving Masterplan for Restaurateurs

    VALUE: $497

    See What Others Are Saying About Profitable Restaurant Owner's Academy
    “I took this year as an opportunity to grow, stretch my comfort zone and chase my passions in making my dream food business….

    PRO Academy taught me to believe in myself. And the group is so inspiring and taught me a lot of great concepts.”
    Andrew N.
    “But after your lesson, I feel so confident as I know how to interpret some of these numbers on my own!!

    You’re one of the best things that have happened to me this year...I’m thankful that we crossed paths”
    Loan T.
    "…the ACE formula makes you think and gives you a clearer vision of your goal. For most people what is weighing them down is their confidence. That was my case and it (the ACE formula) helped me a lot. I’m feeling a lot more clear with my vision."
    Hazel T.
    Be Part Of A Private Student Only Community

    Get feedback, be inspired, and build your dream business with others.

    Take Part In Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

    • ​Get massive breakthroughs during your business journeys on our monthly LIVE group calls
    • Get your answers directly from Wilson so you don't get stuck
    • Stay accountable and motivated so you don't end up putting off your dream again

    Access To The ENTIRE SYSTEM
    Valued At OVER $10,000.00+

    This includes LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all the FREE Bonuses!

    PAY-IN-FULL TO SAVE up to $253 AND SCOOP UP 2 additional BONUSes!!


    One time payment

    • All 7 core video modules and workbooks
    • The complete Quick Serve Results platter of bonuses
    • • Private PRO Academy Student Only Group Access
    • Restaurant Instagram Content Strategy Playbook BONUS!
    • Restaurant Marketing Inspiration Lab BONUS!



    3 monthly payments of $750

    • All 7 core video modules and workbooks
    • The complete Quick Serve Results platter of bonuses
    • • Private PRO Academy Student Only Group Access



    5 monthly payments of $450

    • All 7 core video modules and workbooks
    • The complete Quick Serve Results platter of bonuses
    • • Private PRO Academy Student Only Group Access


    Restaurant Instagram Content Strategy Playbook

    VALUE: $597


    Restaurant Marketing Inspiration Lab

    VALUE: $497

    It's Absolutely 100% RISK-FREE

    If you do the work, show up to the calls, complete the modules, do the worksheets, actually implement everything I show you... 

    And you're still not satisfied with what you've learned... 

    I will refund your money back. 

    100% satisfaction is guaranteed... 

    That's how confident I am with my program. 

    So if you fully do the work and don’t feel like it's lived up to your expectations... 

    Then fine, that's on me, and I will honor it.

    But you need to do the work because that's the only way you can truly be successful in the restaurant business and life in general. 

    Could These Be The Real-Life Connections You'll Have For A Lifetime?

    I've been in your shoes before and I know how much this stuff costs.

    I took out a $100K loan when I first got started (which kind of makes this program a no-brainer to me).

    Because I wish something like this had existed 10 years ago - it would've saved me from lots of headaches.

    But now, YOU could save tons of time and money since I've combined everything you need into one place.

    And that's exactly what's happening to my students who are already inside Profitable Restaurant Owner Academy.

    You won’t be able to find another community where you can surround yourself with like-minded people who could impact your success more than you realize. 

    If it weren’t for me finding the right network... I would have never got to where I am today.

    This just shows that when you put yourself in a supportive environment with genuine people committed to helping you succeed…

    You can 3-10X the speed and size of your results.

    So if you want to see a REAL transformation in your life…

    Click the button below to join now (before it gets harder for you to take advantage of these “present-time” opportunities).

    Here's What I Also Know For Sure...

    The road to building and growing a successful restaurant can be rocky. And scary.

    After all, you’re pouring money and time into it.

    If you’re like me, you’ve got family to think about.

    Every minute you spend on your restaurant business is time you’re taking away from them.

    Every dollar you put into your F&B restaurant is money you’re holding back from them.

    The stakes are HIGH.

    I get it.

    I also know…

    You cannot let doubts and questions stand in the way of your success.

    You cannot continue to settle for less simply because you don’t have the right tools and resources.

    And you cannot let your dream of owning a restaurant die simply because you don’t know what to do next.

    You now have the tools, the resources, the blueprint you need to realize your dream of owning a successful restaurant.

    You can use The Profitable Restaurant Owner's Academy to help you fast-track your progress.

    You can dig deep into my expertise and avoid the mistakes I made and swipe my success strategies.

    Now I know you’re thinking,

    “Yeah, that’s all great, Wilson! But I have questions.”

    Questions like...

    “I have no F&B experience. Will this still help me?”

    Short answer: YES!

    I started a successful, award-winning frozen dessert chain that went global, and I never attended a culinary or restaurant management school.

    I learned from experience, and yes, it took me more time, and I made more mistakes, but that’s the precise reason why YOU don’t have to waste any time or money on setting up and scaling your profitable restaurant.

    I don’t have the money right now for the program. Can you still help me?

    You bet!

    We know it isn’t easy to invest $2K into your dream when you may have already spent quite a bit. That is why we have payment plans available to make accomplishing your restaurant goals easy on your pocket.

    I don’t have a ton of spare time to focus on a course. Should I still join this program?

    If you’re serious about starting a restaurant, I recommend you join us. Not only do you have LIFETIME access to the course for as long as I run it, but also the course is sequential so you can go through it AS you build out your restaurant. You go through it at a pace that’s perfect for you. How cool is that?!

    I already have a restaurant. Will this still help me?


    If you are new to the industry and have already built your restaurant, you can use the course to grow your business. From hiring the best team to increasing sales, you will have all the information you need so you never second guess what to do when say, sales slump, or a key team member quits.

    Will this course work only if I’m based in North America?


    Regardless of where you are located, the information in this course will be useful to set up your store. The course focuses on business fundamentals and must-haves. I will share my personal experience of building and scaling an ice cream chain in Canada, BUT the content of the course can be applied to any restaurant business anywhere in the world.

    I don’t want to start an ice cream restaurant. Will this course work if my cuisine
    is specialty or niche?

    You bet!

    Whether you want to start an Asian kitchen or a smoothie place, this course will give you the foundation and the pillars you need so you can ensure you don’t make massive mistakes that lead to losses and overwhelm.

    I’ve had a restaurant for over 10 years now. Will this course help me? Honestly, you may find a few helpful nuggets and resources, but this course is NOT for the seasoned restaurant veteran. It is tailored for aspiring and early-stage restaurant owners with little to no experience in the F&B space.

    I have more questions. How can I contact you?

    Sure thing! Email me at support@wilsonklee.com and I'll be happy to answer your questions and help you make the perfect decision for your food business.
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    *DISCLAIMER: Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. This training does not guarantee success. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS PROGRAM
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